If you feel like your black hair is getting boring, you can spruce it up by adding color, like purple. There are many different shades to choose from, ...
Can White People Have Type 4 Hair?
Most people are familiar with type 4 hair in African-Americans since this hair type is common among persons of African origin. Nevertheless, some ...
Can You Mix Adore Hair Dye with Conditioner?
Are you sitting in the bathroom in front of the mirror, and with your Adore hair dye tube questioning, “Can you mix Adore hair dye with conditioner?” ...
Can You Put Lotion In Your Hair? The Benefits and Risks
If your hair is often dry, but you do not have any hair moisturizer on hand, you have definitely thought about other choices. Body lotion is one of ...
Does Splat Hair Dye Expire?
Splat is a trendy range of hair dyes that come in a variety of beautiful colors. Splat hair color has a hue for everyone, from brilliant oranges to ...
Can You Use Neutralizing Shampoo Without a Relaxer?
Usually, after straightening your hair, you would follow up with neutralizing shampoo to get rid of all the chemical residues and re-balance your ...